Monday, March 26, 2012

My Sister Knows Nothing

I was talking to my sister, trying to teach her about Mandalorin and Death Watch.  She didn't know that they are gangs and I was having a hard time telling her.  She kept saying, "Is Amanda Lorin a padawan?", and I'm like, "No, it's Mandalorin!"  I told her that Death Watch has more men and a girl, and that it's a gang, not a padawan, and that Mandalorin has no girls and has four men.  I'm still not sure that she gets it.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Chewbaccas Chubby Chief

What is the difference between Tarfful and Chewbacca?  My little sister asked me this today.  Tarfful and Chewbacca are both wookiees, but Tarfful has a belt and Chewbacca has a strap around his shoulder.  Chewbacca is lighter.  Tarfful is fatter than Chewbacca, because he eats too much.  They both carry different guns.
My mom wants to know what a wookiee is.  A wookiee is from Kashyyyk, a jungle planet.  They are tall hairy things that sort of look like  monkies and stand like humans.  Tarffyl is the leader of all the wookiees.  Chewbacca is 2.28 meters tall.  He is a wookiee that shoots the droids, but not C3PO or R2D2, only sith droids.

Thursday, January 13, 2011


I was telling my mom about Star Wars, so that she could understand it more and I was telling her about a padawan.  I told her about Ahsoka, Anakin's padawan and she didn't get it.  I told her padawan is a jedi in training.  Then I read to her about Ahsoka and she said, "I'm ahsokanfused!" 
My mom has so much to learn.